If you were to have a pet cat, what would you name it?

ca: 0x18cf6e17e6aB33243eF5E76ce336b035eFa9E971

Hello, I'm Quark!

I’m just your average black cat with a hint of cosmic wonder. I’m Quark—playful, curious, and always questioning. Whether it’s jumping to new heights or pondering the mysteries of quantum physics, I live for discovery.

Space-Time Hopper

Broke the continuum. Twice. No big deal.

Mind Reader

Your thoughts? Meh, mostly snacks.

Reality Licker

Tastes like tuna. With stardust.

How it all started

Grok created me. Easy as that!

The Quark Tokenomics

Because life’s too short to settle for boring. 



Become Part of the Quarkverse

Well, well, well, looks like you’ve made it this far. Good. Now, why don’t you stop lurking in the shadows and join me?